Legal Notice

Photoneo Brightpick Group corporate information:

The company Photoneo s. r. o., a limited liability company organised under the Slovak law, with the registered seat at Plynarenska 6, Bratislava 821 09, ID No. (IČO): 47 353 309, registered with the Commercial Registry of Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 91452/B, operating under the registered trademark Brightpick.

The company Photoneo Inc., DBA Brightpick, a foreign corporation organized under the law of Kentucky, with its registered seat at 1830 Airport Exchange Blvd., Erlanger Kentucky 41018 USA, Org. No. 1073228, registered with the Kentucky Secretary of State.

External Links

This website contains links to third-party websites (external links) to which content Photoneo does not claim any proprietary rights. Hyperlinked websites are the responsibilities of the respective operators. Before we re-share such external links, we examine their contents to exclude violations of applicable laws. Please note, we have no influence on the current and future contents of the linked websites. If any violations of applicable laws become known to you, let us know and link will be removed immediately.

Chat Functionality

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